About Me

Creating An Inviting Yard

I have always been one of those people who loves to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for others, which is why I started looking at landscaping design in the first place. It was incredible to me to see how much of a difference I was able to make by adding a few new plants, and after that first project, I wanted to help other people. I started volunteering to help friends and neighbors do their landscaping, and after a few months, I had developed quite a following. This blog is all about creating a warm, inviting yard through smart landscaping and an eye for detail.

Creating An Inviting Yard

Routine Spring Sprinkler Tune-Up Tips

by Addison Washington

A home irrigation system is a great investment. You have the ability to time your sprinkler to evenly water your trees, grass, and flower beds. However, after a long winter, even the nicest sprinkler systems require a tune-up. Winter can be harsh on sprinkler systems, and if you don't get things repaired and replaced in a timely manner, you'll end up wasting water. A missing of broken sprinkler can also mean that parts of grass get too much or too little water.

Fortunately, a spring tune-up is pretty simple. Here's what you can do to check your system and prepare it for the warm season.

1. Look for damaged heads.

Early in the spring, take the time to turn on your sprinkler system. Broken heads are easy to spot with the water on because the water in a sprinkler system is pressurized. When a head is broken, the pressurized water shoots up or sprays out through the cracks in the broken head, alerting you to the need for repair. 

Mark the sprinkler heads with landscaping tape and then turn the water off. Replace the broken heads by popping or unscrewing the broken ones from the main line (depending on the type of heads you have). Take the old heads with you to the home improvement store to make sure you get the correct replacements. 

2. Check lines for cracks.

Sometimes a sprinkler system can have cracks through the lines that let water leak before reaching the heads. You can find these places after all the broken heads are replaced. You'll notice there is limited flow to areas where the line is leaking. Some heads won't have enough pressure to raise up high enough to water the grass and will instead bubble in place. 

Carefully dig up the line and replace the length. 

3. Clear away dirt and debris.

Finally, after checking all the heads and lines, it's time to clear out the system and make sure all the spray is landing evenly. The main culprit that prevents good water spray is debris or dirt that has lodged into the sprinkler head. Check for ones with erratic flow patterns and carefully clean them out with a microfiber rag. 

This is a simple routine you can do every spring to keep your system in good repair. For more information on keeping your sprinklers in shape, contact a local sprinkler repair company in your area, like A Ronnow Lawn Sprinkler, Inc. 
