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Creating An Inviting Yard

I have always been one of those people who loves to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for others, which is why I started looking at landscaping design in the first place. It was incredible to me to see how much of a difference I was able to make by adding a few new plants, and after that first project, I wanted to help other people. I started volunteering to help friends and neighbors do their landscaping, and after a few months, I had developed quite a following. This blog is all about creating a warm, inviting yard through smart landscaping and an eye for detail.

Creating An Inviting Yard

    3 Reasons To Hire A Professional To Remove Your Unwanted Trees

    Do you own a property that has a dying tree located on it? Are you making plans for you and a few friends to get rid of the tree soon? Although this might initially seem like a good idea, there are several reasons why you should instead consider hiring a professional to get rid of the pesky tree on your behalf. Some of the most important reasons why you should let a professional handle the situation include:

    Before You List Your Home For Sale, Hire A Landscaper To Improve The Property's Privacy

    As you prepare to list your home for sale, you want to do as much as you can to improve its appearance, both indoors and outdoors. While some decluttering, decorating, and cleaning can improve the interior of your home, take a critical look at the nature of your yard to evaluate what it might need. Privacy is important for many homeowners, and if your yard lacks privacy, this may be an obstacle to selling your home at your desired price.

    The Gardener's Guide To Drip Irrigation And Other Water Saving Tips

    With water quickly becoming one of our world's scarcest resources, it is now more important than ever to conserve our water. If you're a gardener, particularly in a warmer and drier climate, this can pose some obvious problems. Fortunately, there's an easy and affordable solution: drip irrigation systems. Here's a quick guide to help you troubleshoot many of the most common problems faced when setting up a drip irrigation system for the first time.

    Hire A Tree Service To Remove A Tree? 2 Ways You Can Use The Leftover Wood

    If you have a tree that you have to remove you can use the leftover wood after it is chopped down. You should only do this, however, if the wood is healthy. For example, if you are removing the tree because of it being diseased, you should throw the wood away. If the wood is healthy, below are two things you can do with it. Use it For Mulch Mulch is important for flower beds as it provides them with moisture.

    Simple Solutions To Three Common Sprinkler Problems

    If you're like most homeowners, you depend on your sprinkler system to keep your lawn and landscaping lush, green, and healthy. You probably don't even notice your sprinkler system much until it fails to work as planned. Fortunately, many sprinkler issues have an easy fix. Following are three of the most common reasons why your sprinkler system may be malfunctioning and how you can fix the problems.  Damaged or Broken Sprinkler Heads 

    4 Types of Citrus Trees You Should Plant in Your Yard

    Having a yard filled with fruit trees enables you to have delicious edibles at your disposal. Citrus plants are an excellent choice for fruit trees. They are aesthetically pleasing and provide you with nutritious and delicious fruit that you can eat right off the tree, use for drinks, include in recipes, and even use for medicinal purposes. You do not have to wait years for your tree to begin producing fruit if you purchase young, budded trees in container from a nursery.

    Keep Your Garden Healthy Before And After Planting

    Planting a vegetable garden in your landscape can be one of the most exciting times for you as a homeowner. But unless you have a solid plan on how to plant and maintain your garden, your landscaping project might not be as exciting as you want it to be. Some of the issues you potentially face are not using the proper soil and nutrients before you plant your seeds or not keeping your garden healthy after your vegetables grow.

    How You Can Conserve Water When Using A Sprinkler System

    Many people view sprinkler systems as wasteful, especially in areas that have periods of drought. However, when installed thoughtfully and used well, sprinkler systems can conserve plenty of water while still providing the needed moisture for plants. Here is what you need to know about making your sprinkler system efficient in its water use. Install a rain sensor How many times have you been outside during the rain, only to see people's sprinklers still on, redundantly watering shrubs, grass, and flowers?