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Creating An Inviting Yard

I have always been one of those people who loves to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for others, which is why I started looking at landscaping design in the first place. It was incredible to me to see how much of a difference I was able to make by adding a few new plants, and after that first project, I wanted to help other people. I started volunteering to help friends and neighbors do their landscaping, and after a few months, I had developed quite a following. This blog is all about creating a warm, inviting yard through smart landscaping and an eye for detail.

Creating An Inviting Yard

    3 Basic Types Of Landscaping Services You Will Need For Your New Home

    If you are in the process of building a new house, your contractor is likely to handle all the steps in the process; however, the landscaping of your yard might not be included. If you are responsible for your own landscaping, you might want to hire a company for help. While you do not have to complete every task in the entire yard right away, there are three important things you will need to do, and your landscaping company can help you with this.

    Have A Lawn? Why You Should Hydroseed

    If you have a relatively large lawn, it's important for it to look good at all times.  Dull, brown grass can truly throw a pall over the curb appeal of your house, causing your property to take on a sallow appearance that can be far from attractive.  However, if you've been trying to keep your yard looking well you might be finding that you're having a hard time.  If you're in this situation it may be time to hydroseed.

    3 Keys to Designing an Attractive, Fire-Resistant Landscape

    Wildfire activity can be devastating to area homes. Fortunately, landscaping strategies exist to minimize fire damage in homes situated in a wildfire's path. Following are just three of the many ways that you can increase the fire resistance of your home's exterior without sacrificing good looks and functionality.  Avoid Mass Plantings of Juniper Mass plantings of low-growing juniper has been a popular landscaping choice for decades. They're low maintenance, long lasting, and relatively inexpensive, and they provide green coverage all year round.

    Stop Erosion Of The Shoreline Of Your Property With Rip Raps Created With Large Stones

    When you buy a piece of lakefront property, it is important to take the time to hire someone to protect the edges of the property from erosion. Many people do not realize that water hitting against the shore of their property again and again will cause the soil to start to erode. As the soil erodes, the property will become smaller and smaller. A great way to stop eroding along the shoreline of your property is to have rip rap added to it.

    Four Money Saving Tips For Landscape Design

    Every homeowner wants a beautiful landscape. Not only does it add to curb appeal, but it allows you to create your own little oasis in your own yard. This way, you have a place toe scape to outdoors whenever you want. However, landscape design can be a bit expensive, which is why it's worth it to consider these four money saving tips: Clean Up in Fall: Too often, people wait to clean up their yard until spring.

    Routine Spring Sprinkler Tune-Up Tips

    A home irrigation system is a great investment. You have the ability to time your sprinkler to evenly water your trees, grass, and flower beds. However, after a long winter, even the nicest sprinkler systems require a tune-up. Winter can be harsh on sprinkler systems, and if you don't get things repaired and replaced in a timely manner, you'll end up wasting water. A missing of broken sprinkler can also mean that parts of grass get too much or too little water.

    3 Lawn Maintenance Tips To Maintain A Healthy-Looking Yard Year-Round

    When you drive through a neighborhood and see those lush, green, smooth lawns that are just simply perfect, you probably wonder why you can't seem to get yours to look like that. Sure, you are no landscape expert, but it gets plenty of sun and water. Well, here are a few more lawn maintenance things that you can do to help make your lawn look great: 1. Mow So You're Giving Your Grass a Haircut

    Paving Old Dirt Roads (And Hiring A Civil Engineer) Is A Wise Choice For A Small Rural Town

    While most big cities no longer have dirt roads, many smaller rural towns will have them. These old roads are problematic and need to be updated as soon as possible. Hiring a civil engineer to update these to asphalt roads is a wise decision for just about any small town. Dirt Roads Are Very Problematic While many rural small towns may think that paving old dirt roads isn't worth it, they are wrong.