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Creating An Inviting Yard

I have always been one of those people who loves to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for others, which is why I started looking at landscaping design in the first place. It was incredible to me to see how much of a difference I was able to make by adding a few new plants, and after that first project, I wanted to help other people. I started volunteering to help friends and neighbors do their landscaping, and after a few months, I had developed quite a following. This blog is all about creating a warm, inviting yard through smart landscaping and an eye for detail.

Creating An Inviting Yard

    Tips For Properly Pruning And Shaping The Cottonwood Trees In Your Yard

    If you have cottonwood trees growing in your yard that have not been pruned or shaped recently, then it is important that you take the time to do so. Keeping your cottonwoods properly shaped and pruned will ensure that they grow healthy and strong for many years into the future. If you do not regularly maintain the trees, then they will be susceptible to limb loss, insect infestations, and death.

    Your Simple Checklist To Prepare For A Stump Grinding Project On Your Property

    Once the tree is taken down, all that remains is an unsightly stump protruding from the ground. While many homeowners will just leave this stump as is for years to come, it is a much better idea to just get the thing out of the way. Most tree removal companies do offer stump grinding services once a tree has been removed from your property. If you have a tree stump that you have decided to have professionally removed, it is a good idea to get prepared for the project in advance.

    Stone, Pressure Treated Wood, And Gravel: 3 Items Necessary For A Beautiful Reatining Wall

    If you are the type who likes to do weekend projects, and you've decided to build a retaining wall, then you need to familiarize yourself with the main items that you will need. If you're building a retaining wall that is more for cosmetic effect than for actual structural integrity, then you have a lot of leeway with what you can do. You don't have to worry about hauling in large landscaping blocks used in retaining walls, or digging enormous trenches and fortifying a wall with support studs.

    Adding Features to Your Yard: Fountains, Retaining Walls & Koi Ponds

    When you have a backyard that you love, you can add all kinds of features to your yard to make it your own. Whether you love the sound of a waterfall cascading down rocks, or you want a pond full of Koi, you have options when it comes to your backyard landscaping. If you are looking to add flair to your yard, you can talk with a local landscaper about your ideas.

    Make Landscaping A Priority

    There are many ways to increase the value of your home, and it can often be difficult to decide which project to undertake first. If you have not considered landscaping, you should seriously consider landscaping as a way to increase the value of your home. Just think about a potential buyer coming to look at your home. The first thing that they will see is the yard. If your home's landscaping boosts the curb appeal of your home, then you will be able to sell the home for more.

    Want To Do A Better Job Of Keeping Your Home Clean? Improve Your Property's Hardscaping

    It is inevitable for your home to pick up dirt and dust throughout the day. But, when your family leaves and comes back, there is a chance for them to bring extra dirt into the home. It is possible for this to happen when they come back from work or an errand as well as when they enter from the backyard. If you have tile or hardwood flooring, this is not too difficult to handle as a quick vacuum will clean it up.

    3 Things to Look for When Choosing a Landscaper

    If your yard needs a little work, be it new sod or tree removal, or even a complete overhaul, you want to choose a landscaper you can trust. Here are 3 things you should look for in your landscaper. Skill Some landscapers strictly do tree work, others specialize in sprinkler install and maintenance. Still others are more keen on landscape design, while others are gardeners at heart. You want to pick a landscaper who has the skills you need for your yard.

    Using A Lawn Mower For A Landscaping Business? Use These Four Tips To Care For It

    For a small landscaping company, a lawn mower is an essential piece of equipment. If you're just starting out and want to ensure that your mower keeps running so you can keep up with all your clients, check out these four tips. Read the Manual You might have been mowing grass ever since you were a child and see no reason to look at the manual, but as a landscaper, you might want to pick up the manual of the mower you'll be using for your clients.